KineticXperience, LLC, Logo
Phone Icon (484) 258-2816

A Better Customer Experience for Everyone

KineticXperience, LLC helps groups near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with customer experience, internal efficiency, and more. Our business consulting reflects our years of expertise with process engineering, e-business and customer experience analysis. No matter your industry, our approaches can be easily applied.

Man Smiling

Customer Experience

Gain a better understanding of what needs to be improved to accomplish your business goals while keeping customers happy. Included with this service is brand indicator analysis, voice of the customer analysis, and in-depth customer journey mapping. This helps define what experiences are affecting your business, and helps you gain insight to the key drivers that matter the most.

Lean & Learn

This service is ideal for building internal competency over time, so you can lean on us until your workforce learns these skills. Included with this service is on-sight training, customer experience process improvement, and digitization and automation. Let us give your business the tools needed to become independent.